students in class

Art meets French at the Royal Academy

Posted: 28th January 2019

French is the language of Impressionism by definition.

We all know by now that French artists dominated the international avant-garde scene in the late 19th century. What we should also know is what Paris meant for both French and international artists. The urban renovations, newly constructed railway stations and the wide boulevards changed the atmosphere of the city. Artists began to convey modern life and what it had to offer Parisians. City life was the new subject matter.

The sudden change in the urban landscape might be one of the reasons why some of the Impressionists became interested in gardening. Well-known artists such as Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Bonnard shared the same passion – growing flowers and painting them. They often painted each other painting flowers. So artists painting flowers became a new subject matter too.

This particular interest is the reason why Year 3 went to see the sold-out and bustling exhibition at The Royal Academy, Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse.

The loosened brushwork and pure, intense pigments fascinated the boys. They were eager to express their thoughts about the paintings on display. In order to read some of these impressions you might need to polish your French because our boys wrote about French paintings in French. How wonderful…

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