students in class

Highlights of 2021 . Pre-School – Year 1

Posted: 14th January 2021

The whole school have made an exceptional start to online learning in 2021, we have so much exciting news to report but let’s kick start our weekly posts with highlights from Pre-school to Year 1.

Pre-School have been busy learning about transport and road safety. They learned how to cross the road safely and all role played crossing a zebra crossing. They then developed their fine motor skills by using scissors and glue to make a stripy zebra crossing. They even had an ‘in-situ’ drive the mini bus and got to toot the horn and explored all features of a minibus and their purpose.

Reception have been very busy working hard in all of their subjects. In their English lessons they have been looking at the story of the gingerbread man, they have looked at sequencing the events and describing the different characters. The students then used their imagination to consider an alternative story line, Dhiyan Shah impressed us with his imaginative idea of his gingerbread man going on a super adventure to Africa. In their Maths lessons they have been looking at shapes and patterns. They welcomed Ali to their class this term and he impressed with his mathematical artwork using elastic bands to create different quadrilaterals. In topic, they have been looking at ‘people who help us’, they have explored key worker roles and how they help us in our daily lives, Tilak produced an impressive fire engine picture. A big well done to all of Reception!

Year 1 have been working so hard in all of their subjects.  In maths they have been focusing on number, tasks related to number bonds, explanation and reasoning. A special mention to Aarav M who has been working incredibly hard in Maths. In English they have been reading a story about a lost alien called Beegu. He arrives on planet Earth after his spaceship crashes. The boys have completed some wonderful pieces of work such as making and writing about a new friend for Beegu and recounting the story. Satvik deserves a special mention for his vocabulary and beautiful joined up handwriting. There has been lots of other subjects that the boys have been completing each day such as IT,  Science, Geography, Maths Fluency and Grammar. Kayan S deserves a mention for his dedication to complete every lesson including the challenges. Miss Wilson has been amazed  by the work produced by each and every boy in Year 1. 

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