students in class

Exam Ready!

Posted: 6th December 2021

As we approach the end of this busy term, I believe that one year group in particular have grown to know what self-motivation and discipline look like on a daily basis. Our boys in Year 6 now have the finish line of the 11+ in their sights. Their journey to this point has been a long and all-consuming one. The pandemic played its part too, by throwing in the curve ball of remote learning as did the announcement that some entrance exams were being brought forward from January to December. Year 6 got the message loud and clear. There literally was no time to waste! Every English, Maths and VR lesson required Herculean amounts of concentration and effort from the boys…every single school day for 12 weeks! Oh, hold on, that’s not even counting the homework which, at times, must have resembled the final straw…

However, what stands out for me this term, is not only the fortitude with which boys approached their work, but also their good humour and the care and concern they showed for each other on a daily basis. They knew that if they were finding it tough at times, maybe their classmates were too. The manner in which the boys gave out advice, offered definitions for unfamiliar vocabulary, shared strategies for explaining quotes, read out their attempts at model answers, critiqued one another’s writing and supported each other through it all was utterly inspiring. Whilst Mrs Hollis, the boys themselves and their parents, and the rest of the school await news of the results, all 18 boys deserve to feel immensely proud of all their hard work. Bravo Year 6!

Ms Bourne  

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