students in class

Caricature Workshops & Ecology Exploration Trails

Posted: 13th May 2022

Another busy week at BPS this week! Full of exciting learning experiences in the beautiful sunshine.

The week began with Year 1 exploring local wildlife and ecosystems, the Chorley Wood environment team taught the students all about the ecosystems and how we can do our bit to preserve it. The students were fully engrossed and eager to learn, they even came across a rare bread of newt which they were able to closely inspect. Year 1 have also been busy studying meteorology, making wind measuring devices and learning about the impact of weather on our environment.

Later in the week Year 5 took a trip to the Heath Robinson Museum and had a workshop on Caricatures. The students learned new illustration techniques and had the chance to illustrate their own teachers in a caricature style. From learning about the history of Heath Robinson around the galleries to engaging with the illustrator, the students were fully enthused and approached every aspect of the experience with open arms.

A big well done again to all of our students for making the BPS family proud on our school trips!

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