Year 6 Play and Year 5 residential trip to York!

Posted: 27th March 2024

students in a production

It has been a very busy lead up to the Easter Holidays!

Year 5 had a tremendous time on their residential trip to York! They spent three days immersing themselves in the rich history of York visiting the Minister Pilgrimage, National Railway Museum and the Jorvik Viking Centre! They enjoyed making their own chocolate at the ‘York Chocolate Story’!

The teachers were so impressed with their engagement, enthusiasm and general positive attitude throughout the trip. Well done, Year 5!

Then staff, students and parents were treated to watching a tremendous performance by the Year 6’s in their play ‘Singhderella’. There were smiles and laughs throughout the whole performance. We were so impressed by their wonderful acting, singing and even dancing! We would not be surprised if the performance made it to the West End! Bravo, Year 6!

All of our students have worked so hard this term. We think they are definitely deserving of a restful break! Well done boys!

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