This term Year 4 have been studying the Ancient Romans and their effect on Britain. On Tuesday Year 4 were lucky enough to visit the Verulamium Museum in St Albans. Our day consisted of us first walking around the Verulamium park (this used to be the Ancient town of Verulamium) and viewing the ruins of an old hypocaust, complete with a detailed mosaic in its floor.
After lunch we went into the museum to complete our ‘market and artefacts’ workshops. The boys (and their teachers) got the chance to dress up in Roman clothes. They were given a shopping list and asked to go and fetch various Roman essentials and treats to show the class. In our artefact session we were given some of the 2000-year-old objects that had been found at the site to handle and discuss.
Finally we were given a map and went on a Roman scavenger hunt through the museum, trying to match various information we had learnt in class to what we were seeing all around us.
Categories: School News