students in class

The Windrush story and its importance

Posted: 21st October 2019

On  Monday 14 October we were treated to an immersive assembly experience when Bigfoot Arts visited BPS to help us learn more about the Windrush, the ship that brought more than 500 pioneering Caribbean migrants to Britain in June, 1948.

During the assembly, we met Grace as she waved goodbye to Jamaica to start a new life with her husband and young son Clinton in post-war Britain. We learnt about some of the things she would miss: family, friends, food and sunshine. However, Grace was excited by the prospect of a new life in the ‘Motherland’ where job prospects and greater economic security awaited.

The assembly was followed by workshops for Years 3 – 6, where photographs, role play and mime allowed boys to gain greater insight into the lives of the Windrush generation as they fought against discrimination and homesickness to make a new life for themselves.

The Windrush story is just one of many vital stories that must be told about the bravery and personal sacrifices that people from different parts of the world have shown and made in their personal odyssey to settle in Britain. The cultural and religious diversity of our schools, cities and country is something to celebrate with joy and gratitude.

We therefore wholeheartedly thank Marissa who played Grace with so much compassion and led the workshops with such a wealth of knowledge that it will be a day to remember for years to come!

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