Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 wrapped up warm and set off for a day of outdoor learning! We all boarded the coach and started the journey to Iver Environment Centre. When we reached Iver Environment Centre we were met by Emily who guided the boys in a series of nature-based learning. Firstly we were looking at how to identify the different trees in our surroundings by looking at their size, location and the types of leaves they had. We had the challenge of blindfolding a partner and identifying the different trees just by touching them. Next we looked at the types of trees at Iver Environment Centre. The boys learnt how to calculate the age of a tree by measuring its circumference. We were surprised to find the trees were older than the teachers! After lunch we learnt about the different parts of a tree and used natural materials to create and label a diagram to share our knowledge. All in all it was a day filled with new experiences and lessons and it was enjoyed by all!
Categories: School News