It’s been a very exciting and productive Spring Term at Speech and Drama! The Buck Prep boys have been excelling themselves. We had a packed exam week in January for the Year 3-6 boys, who completed an array of exams and we saw wonderful speeches, fascinating presentations, readings and recitals – and some wonderful acting taking place, with many of the Year 6 boys undertaking their first Shakespeare qualification. We’ll have the results shortly, and meanwhile are busily working away, as pupils from Reception – Year 6 prepare for their summer LAMDA exams. We also had a number of the BCPS boys perform fantastically at the Winter Showcase last half term, demonstrating both their skill and confidence in performing in front of a large crowd. A huge well done to the participants.
Rough Magicke are also proud to report the boys did us incredibly proud at the Ruislip-Northwood Festival over the February half term!
Congratulations to:
Krrish Mishra – 84%
Sean Feng – 85% and a Bronze Medal
Shreehan Kejriwal – 87% and a Gold Medal
Devyaan Prebhakaran -85% and a Bronze Medal
Niam Darbar – 86% and a Silver Medal
Sajan Shingadia – 84%
Sahaj Mehta – 84%
Aarav Patel – 85% and a Bronze Medal
Vivan Sen -87%
Dilan Biju-Dhyaneish -2 Silver Medals
We’ve very proud of all the boys who took part and we hope they found it an inspiring and stimulating experience. Fast approaching is the Watford Festival – and we wish all the pupils taking part the very best of luck!
Categories: School News