students in class

We are resilient!

Posted: 9th April 2020

The recent Government directive to shut our school has caused more than a little disruption and has presented us with new challenges in how to educate, but we are acutely aware of the reason for the shutdown and are fully behind the directive.

We have moved our learning environment from the school’s classrooms to our pupils’ homes using online facilities. We are teaching, setting, reviewing and assessing work through the online platform “Google Classroom”. We are conducting our whole school assemblies through video, sharing lessons in every pupil’s home and we are available throughout the school day via email. The whole school community is linked through the use of social media to ensure the pastoral side of our school is ever present and we are even having a bit of a joke during all our tribulations.

Resilience, adaptation, teamwork, determination; these are all characteristics that we instil into our boys and it is at times like these that they come to the forefront. Buck Prep goes on. Our education goes on. Our boys go on. Our caring goes on.

Please ensure you follow the Government guidelines, stay safe, be responsible and be a Buck Prep team member remotely!

Categories: School News
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