students in class

Pre-School and their first week on Google Classroom

Posted: 25th April 2020

This week in Pre-School the children have been learning about the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.  In Literacy they have been using expression in their voices to pretend to be different characters and have been busy drawing and labelling the characters. In Maths they have been focusing on learning and understanding the concepts of ‘big, medium and small’. They collected their toys and ordered them by size. The children have also had the opportunity to be creative, using natural resources to make troll faces, experiments with creating loud, quiet and middle-sized noises with pots and pans, using construction materials to build bridges and making healthy snacks for the Billy Goats to eat. Miss Kelly has been blown away with the effort both the children and their parents have put in with home learning this week and she loved seeing the smiles on the children’s faces when proudly showing off their work.

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