students in class

Year 2 reimagine play

Posted: 10th June 2020

This term in Geography Year 2 have been focusing on everything to do with maps! They’ve looked at local maps, bird’s eye view, fantasy maps and map keys, finishing last half term by creating their very own park designs.

During this task the boys were challenged with not only designing their park but developing a map of it too, including a clear map key and a short written persuasive piece about why people should attend their park. They were given a list of ‘must haves’ such as the inclusion of a specific amount of human and physical features, as well as the inclusion of features such as a toilet block and an entrance & exit.

Year 2 went above and beyond with this task and really showed off their skills! There were some 3D models, some IT productions and some carefully drawn and organised designs, all with clever names and well thought out features.

They also had the opportunity to pitch their ideas to their peers in our weekly Google Meet on a Friday morning. The boys did this with confidence and were fantastic at listening and responding to some tough ‘boardroom style’ questions!

Mrs Doyle would definitely attend some of these parks if they were made a reality!

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