students in class

Egyptian Day

Posted: 3rd December 2020

On Thursday, Year 3 were immersed into the wonders of Ancient Egypt.

Pharaohs, soldiers, mummies, craftsmen and slaves entered the classroom that day and they looked spectacular in their costumes. Some of the children had made a huge effort in creating their own costumes and accessories – well done!

They started their day by learning how to make Cleopatra’s favourite dessert, Dulcis Coccora. All of the boys collaborated really well and applied their maths and science skills to weighing and mixing their ingredients. Whilst waiting for the bread to cook, the boys followed the mummification process carefully and discovered how difficult it is to wrap a body!

In the afternoon, Year 3’s STEM lesson focused on the art of building a pyramid using pasta and marshmallows. They learned that they need a solid foundation to start and which shapes have the best results.

Finally, the boys used the Ancient Egyptian method of using grid lines to draw a body in the correct proportion, and created their own gods.

An extremely exciting day was had by all!

Categories: School News
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