students in class

Pancakes & A Valentine’s Breakfast

Posted: 11th February 2021

What a wonderful way to end a half term of hard work. Pancakes and Valentine’s breakfasts at BPS this week.

Aarav and Shiven from Year 3 give us an account of the pancake extravaganza…

‘On Wednesday, it was pancake day at Buckingham Prep! We had to flip pancakes in our race and pre-school joined us with some help from their teachers. Some other teachers took part including Mrs Hollis and Mr Evans, that really increased the fun!  We ate pancakes even though it wasn’t pancake day and we even had extra chocolate sauce!’
And as if pancakes were’t enough, Pre-School then went on to dreaming up a valentines breakfast. The feasts comprised of  fish, pasta, chocolate, gum, tomatoes, weetabix, bread, cake, cornflakes, brownies… and the list does go on. Can you even imagine such a banquet?
Have a lovely half term everyone, you certainly deserve it!
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