January 2023

Swimming Galas, Hockey Matches & Lamda Exams

27th January 2023

It has been a very busy week with sports fixtures and creative events! Our U11 hockey team won 2/3 of their matches this week and have excelled so much both…

Chinese New Year Celebrations

20th January 2023

This week has been full of excitements and achievements at BPS. Year 6 have been here there and everywhere interviewing for schools and scholarships. Our U11 rugby team performed very…

Hockey Match Wins & Dinosaur Adventures

13th January 2023

Our first full week at school of 2023 has been fantastic. The students have consistently been putting in maximum effort and enthusiasm in their lessons. We are particularly proud of…

An Optimistic Start To 2023

6th January 2023

What an incredible start to 2023, our students have settled back into routines with maturity and have shown great enthusiasm towards the opportunities of the New Year. Our new students…

Day in the Life
Explore our fantastic school